The next Doctor's companions they are absolutely married! The new Doctor got kissed by his mother in law! That is not weird in any way at all.Throughout the seasons Amy is pressured from many things and who's to figure out who she loves the Doctor or Rory. Come on Amy just decide! In the episode where there are lizard humans Rory dies by getting sucked up in a time stream he was never born! Fortunately Amy saves Rory by remembering with the robot Rory!Amy is the girl that waited but Rory he waited more than 2000+ years. In the end the weeping angels get Rory and he dies. After he has died Amy said she would let the angels get her and take her with him! The Doctor tried to make her stay but,her daughter River said to go with him. In the end The Doctor lost both his companions. With his wife who is soon destined to die.
Amy and Rory were some of my favorites. especially since Rory was a boy he gave doctor who a nice change.